Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Museum Updates

Uploaded is Rudy Florese's profile with lots of artwork and a biography written by his daughter and my wife Ilyn. There are scans of original artwork from "Mga Kwento Ni Kengkoy" and Tarzan, as well as scans of promotional ads and comic book pages. Whenever possible, with regards to original art pages, I tried to include the cover of the comic book from which the art came from as well as a scan of how the artwork looks like in print.

This is also true for the latest featured artwork, this time from Alfredo Alcala from "Halik Sa Apoy".


I'll try to update the online museum as often as I can, when work permits. I'm currently working on a couple of scripts which are needed (like right now!), as well as finishing Peace Tree with David Hontiveros and my story for SIGLO: PASSION. There's also the third installment to Johnny Balbona for Mwahaha #3, as well as something for a super top secret project that I'm not yet at liberty to announce (because I still might get kicked out of it. he.he.)