Monday, February 07, 2005
Doug Miers
I just learned that Doug Miers, my friend and writer on Ochlocrat, passed away last January 31. One said he died of a heart attack but another said he died of a brain aneurysm. But it doesn't really matter, he's gone and really for a while there I really didn't know what to say.
I never met Doug personally, but even I'm surprised at how much his death has affected me.
We had recently been corresponding just a couple of weeks before he died about my contribution for Prophecy Anthology Vol. 2.
I shall remain forever grateful to Doug for giving me my breaks in the industry. He was the one who took the risk on getting me as a penciller on Ochlocrat, when up to that time I was known mainly as an inker. I was honored by his invitation, specially since it quickly became clear to me how much he loved this character. And man, I gave that book my all. I didn't want to disappoint Doug, not after the trust he had placed in me.
We two went through quite a bit to get Ocholocrat out there, but he was patient with me, being both firm and gently encouraging. A much better collaborator I can never ask for.
Doug was also instrumental in getting me my very first writing gig in America via the Prophecy Anthology. We were talking about future collaborations, specially more Ochlocrat stories. I'm sad that it will never come to pass, but I'm grateful that Doug and I met, for my life has surely been different (in a bad way) if we hadn't.
Wherever you are, man, thanks for everything!!