Silent Dragon #2
Written by Andy Diggle
Pencilled by Leinil Francis Yu
Inked by Gerry Alanguilan
Colored by Dave Stewart
Lettered by Jared Fletcher
Edited by Ben Abernathy
Wildstorm/DC Comics
Silent Dragon #2, my current inking assignment, comes out sometime around this time. I don't know exactly when to be honest. For some reason, for the first time in my professional working career in comics, I get my copies before the issue comes out in stores. Other times my copies arrive a few weeks to a couple of months after the comics come in the stores. On rare occasions, I never got copies at all, but that's never happened with DC.
Anyway, a note about that cover... Leinil did that all himself, pencilling and straight to coloring. No inking at all involved, and it looks terrific. This is one of those few times when comics art without the benefit of an inker works. He has done stuff like this before, specially on the covers for High Roads and for Conan. I've told him that he doesn't really need me and if he does a whole comic book like this, it would seriously ROCK.
Anyway, below is a page from Silent Dragon #2, which I had inked.
Humanis Rex #5
The latest installent of Humanis Rex #5 comes out this month!
This part sets up the return of a major character. I'm continuing the clean line art style I'm trying to develop for the entire series, as well as developing a personal coloring style I'll continue to improve in the coming months. I'm trying very hard to stick uncompromisingly to flat coloring, but I've been tempted to do shades, textures and grading on some panels, but for the most part I've managed to do what I set out to do. A few more months into this, I hope to finally nail the look I want.