Sunday, March 03, 2002


Starting a week or so from now, I'll be moving to Manila for a couple of months. Maybe more. I'll be taking an apartment somewhere so I could be near where our little movie WASTED is being shot. It will just be an apartment with a bed and a drawing table. I won't be bringing my computer or my TV and DVDs. Maybe just a CD player for music. I'll be in Manila on weekdays and I will go home on the weekends. So Saturday and Sunday are the only 2 days I will be able to check my email and check on my message boards. To those I am doing work with, don't worry, I'll be bringing all my work with me there, but I will have only the weekends to scan them and send them off. I might be able to visit an Internet cafe once in a while to check the message board, but that's about it. So if you write during the next couple of months, I'll be able to reply to you only on the weekends.

I'm actually looking forward to it. I miss living in Manila a lot. And it would be interesting to see how I will react to not having my usual hi tech distractions. I expect to really like it. :)