Friday, September 13, 2002

Sometimes I can be so stupid. But what can I say? I'm a stupid guy sometimes. I guess this comes from something I have learned about myself, and that is that my heart is always more powerful than my intellect. More often than not, I'd do what my heart dictates than what my mind screams at me to rather do. This has benefited me at times, and it has been detrimental to me at times. If I had used my brains rather than my heart, I would never have become a comic book artist. I was already starting to settle in my career as an architect and I could have gone on doing just that. I would have gotten married, got kids, gotten a house, and lived my life as just another working stiff working 9 to 5, and died into old age, content in the idea that I have lived my life as competently as I could have.

But it's just not me. I chose to take the risk, and lost a lot of things, just because I wanted to follow my heart wanted. But I did gain a lot of things as well. And those things are worth everything. And I don't regret a single day.

But sometimes I do things where I followed my heart, and it has gotten me into trouble, and made me do things that could be considered bad. I've never hurt anyone, at least none that I know of, but if I did, I'm really sorry. Like I said, I can be really stupid sometimes.

No, I lie. There are days that I have regretted. Many years ago during a Stone signing with Brian Haberlin and Whilce, there was something I should have done but I didn't. I wish to God that I had did it and now there are days I wish I could go back and do that day over again. Would my life have been better? Would I have been happier? To be honest, I really don't know. But that's the risk isn't it? It's a risk I would have been willing to take and I would take whatever consequences it would have brought.