Thursday, September 09, 2004

Johnny Balbona: WASTED

The other day I received an email from this girl, who really likes the character of Johnny Balbona a lot. Johnny Balbona is a character I created for Mango Comics' MWAHAHA! Humor Magazine. Johnny's...well, it's actually quite diffucult to describe him. He looks like my friend and komikero Johnny Danganan, but the voice that comes out of the character is me.

Before I forget, let me first say that you can soon download Johnny Balbona stuff on your phone if you're subcribed to SMART. he.he.

Anyway back to the story...amused by the email and the sincerity of the girl, I thought of a perfect way to thank her. See, Johnny Balbona will be falling in love in the next issue of Mwahaha... well that's in the November Issue. I said she could appear in the next issue of Mwahaha, and SHE could be the girl that Johnny falls for. She showed me her profile at friendster, and wow, she's cute. Johnny will absolutely fall crazy in love with her.

But the story doesn't end there....

In her list of friends at friendster....I saw my cover for WASTED. I thought well, someone used the cover as their pic in friendster. It happens. But when I clicked on it, I realized it was a profile FOR Wasted. And it's FULL. That means Wasted can't be my friend. WAAAH! Although I normally don't like adding groups or fictional characters, I'd probably make an exception in this case. The mere fact that Wasted has got this profile in friendster and it's full of friends, make me scratch my head again and wonder at how much I've understimated Wasted once again.

I'm have been all ready to pack Wasted up and move on to other things and I thought everyone would just forget about it too. But things like this..well, it makes me scratch my head again and think wow... I can't just let it go. I just gotta ride with it, and continue to be thankful that people support the work. I'm just overwhelmed, really.