Humanis Rex #21
First of all, apologies for the lack of updates. The Internet has been mind numbingly ssslllloooooo o o o o o o o w for me the past couple of weeks. Many sites just won't open for me, including this one. But it seems all better now, although some sites still load slowly. Lots of news, first and foremost being, Tony DeZuniga's art exhibit at Megamall. I went there for the opening last night and it was like a reunion of old and new comics people. It was something to see. Naturally, I had my camera with me.

Tony DeZuniga Art Exhibit
Crucible Gallery
4th Floor, SM Megamall
Metro Manila, Philippines
Ongoing, beginning January 16, 2007

The Crucible Gallery

Jess Jodloman, Abe Ocampo, Tony DeZuniga

Abe Ocampo, Rico Rival, Tony DeZuniga
And I guess by this time you would know that I just can't resist making a video of this event. Here's the one hosted at You Tube:
And here's the one hosted at Live Video. It's actually the same video, but the video quality might be a bit better for the ones with faster connections.
ELMER: One of Forbidden Planets' Best of 2006!
I missed sharing this previously becauseof my slow connection, but Forbidden Planet has named ELMER as one of the best comics of 2006. Thanks to all you guys at Forbidden Planet!
If you're in the UK, or if you're in any part of the world, actually, you can order ELMER from them directly at this page.

Jess Jodloman
Jess Jodloman is an artist whose work I've loved for a long time. Here in the Philippines, his masterpiece RAMIR is still considered by those who remember it as one of the best comics stories ever produced in the country.
He is probably most known in the US as the artist of Conan and many mystery/horror/war titles for DC Comics.
I was happy to have finally met Jess personally at last year's Komikon and I have been speaking with him and his daughter Grace off and on since then and they've shared with me some really stunning images for Jess's upcoming gallery. I'll also be interviewing Jess himself early in February and I'll definitely upload it here when the time comes.

Me and Ilyn at the Exhibit