Wednesday, May 10, 2006



I've only recently discovered that HALOSCAN comments older than 4 months are archived and can no longer be read. You can check yourself by going back 5 months to see our discussions suddenly gone. The only way to bring them all back would be for me to get a paid Haloscan account. I cannot afford any additional expenses at the moment so that's pretty much out of the question. I'm a bit disappointed because a lot of great discussion over matters of comics and art can no longer be read and I realize it's a loss that I no longer wish to perpetuate with each passing month. It is for this reason that I've decided to no longer make use of Haloscan's service.

I no longer wish to use Enetation as well because a lot of visitors find it slow, and I just can't figure out how to make Blogger's built in commenting system to work on my template. And I have neither time or inclination to mess with my template in an effort to make it work, or do I wish to do any other work on this blog other than updating its content. As visitors would probably notice, I haven't been updating as often as used to, as I have become preoccupied by other matters.

So with the next update after this one, Haloscan comments will be disabled. I hope the lack of a commenting system be temporary, but for the meantime, anyone who wishes to comment on anything that is said here, or just to get in touch, they can send an email. I will try to come up with an email form to facilitate it.